On  Sun, 5 Dec 2004 at 20:47:15, Adrian Graham wrote:

>Ta for that! Nice timing too, because today I found something that I thought
>was QL dongle related and lo and behold you've got one pictured for Dec 05 -
>it's the bottom twin-ROM one. Sadly no ROMs or case present but if it's a
>real 1st edition type 'oops we can't fit all the code internally' dongle
>I'll be well chuffed. It was found near a box of chips that contained
>EEPROMs and a WD1770 chip so if there's early code to be had it may well be
>in that box.

I have a cased eprom board containing the QL test code.

It is interesting to see it was clearly intended as a standard QL
add-on, as it has two slots. It is also very professionally made.  The
QL of course was designed originally for 32k ROM, and 32k rom slot.

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