On 9 Dec 2004 at 1:54, P Witte wrote:

> underpowered and overpriced Sempron (whod put something with a name like
> that in their computer?!))

The same onces that use a Celery

> There is one piece of topical information I should add, as a matter of
> interest, and in no way intended as an accusation. The machine hasnt
> displayed any of the mentioned symptoms when just idling on its own, only
> when fiddling with the Haupauge (TV card) drivers does it crash - or when
> running QPC2 (v 3.11 to 3.23)! Just QPC2, no toolkits or anything loaded.
> After on average 7 minutes of that - BOOM!

With power management switched on or off?
Do you have a demanding game or demo you could leave on?
This smacks of overheating.

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