On  Wed, 9 Feb 2005 at 17:39:13, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

>On 9 Feb 2005 at 0:00, extdgl42 wrote:
>> Greetings once again from LurkLand. Can someone help with the following:
>What I would suggest is first to try a single drive - don't connect a second
>drive, and see whether that works OK.
>Older dricesn as used generally in the QL World, had jumpers to tellwhich
>drive was flp21 or 2_.
>Many of today's drives don't. They expect the cable to be twisted (which I
>presume is why Roy did this).
>However, if you first can ascertain that the drive works on its own (and the
>same with the second drive) at least you know that this is the problem.
>Then you can try to make up a correct cable.
All PC drives come as flp2_ (DS1).

You are right.  The majority do not have jumpers, but some still do.
Often the jumper is solder blob shorts on the pcb.

You should be able to find configurable drives, in which case a
straight-through cable is the thing (DS0 = flp1  DS2 = flp2).
ie the cable you already have.

If you have problems, try flp_jiggle 1 (GC and SGC)


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