P Witte wrote:
> So why did I do it? Well, broadband has finally arrived here in this
> godforsaken nook of England, (although it will be a few months before I get
> connected, so please dont mail me all your holiday snaps just yet).
> Continuing to ride the Internet bare backed would probably be irresponsible,
> so Ive swallowed my pride and conformed.

Right, but usually I suggest the use of a hardware router. The address
translation they do protect the machines behind them very well,
usually better than the so called "personal firewalls", because those
can be compromised.

> Yet despite the dire warnings and the shaking of wise and moral
> heads, my first complete system scan using all the tools available
> showed that there was nothing amiss with my system. Yes, it did
> throw up a couple of viruses (mainly from friends on this list!
> (Thanks guys))

More modern viruses counterfeit the sender with one of the names in
the address book. I know some viruses get send using my e-mail address
by 3rd parties, because I occasionally get the bounces, and frankly
this pisses me off to no end.


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