For myself, I started QDT as an interesting project. Plus I really enjoy the people involved in the community.

To be honest, I would have abandoned the project quite a while ago if I was only doing it for the money. Probably before it even started.

On the other hand, while the money will never, ever compensate for the time or energy, it does show me that people respect the work and are interested in it. If no one was willing to pay what I consider to be a very underpriced cost for QDT, I would read it as no one appreciated the work being done. Therefore, it would not happen and further development would definitely not happen.

So, while the money isn't everything, obviously, it definitely is something.

Knowing the effort that goes into different QL software projects, I don't know of any that I would consider not to be fare value. And most are very good deals already.


On Apr 21, 2005, at 5:08 AM, COLIN PARSONS wrote:

The only way, taking a leaf from Linux, that it is going to increase it's market penetration is if it is freely available for download, under a GNU license. This is a bullet that has to be bitten, if there is to be any future for the platform!

Very encouraging discussion ... how many new software products will
people write for QDOS/SMSQ, being told they better give it away for free to stabilize their own "future" ...?

Taking an example from the Linux community again, a LOT, if they have any real belief in the future of the platform.
How many work in the QL sector for real monetary gain, rather than love of the product?



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