On  Sun, 24 Apr 2005 at 20:16:36, Jeremy Taffel wrote:

>>ess to change any settings.
>I don't work in local government, just the UKs largest defence
>contractor.  All the IT  is outsourced.  The contract specifies the
>levels of support received. It also has the conflicitng requirements of
>standardising profiles, despite the fact that some of us use laptops,
>and others don't.  Net result, no-one can customise Windows to his
>needs.  Every time I log on, for example, the calculator has reverted
>to the simple form, despite the fact that I always need the scientific
>functions. AND, email defaults to html, even tho we are only allowed to
>send each other plain text! If I'm going to need to run an application
>other than office, (mathcad, for example) when out of the office, I
>have to start the program at work , to grab a licence off the server,
>and then put it into "suspend", because no-one is allowed his own
>licence. Everything runs so slowly because almost all the files come
>over the network, instead of being stored on the local hard drive, and
>although I work in Stevenage, I can't fill in my timesheet if a server
>in Maidstone goes down!
>I still do most of my serious computing from home!
I hope the same principal does not apply at time of war - sorry defence


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