In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marcel Kilgus 

>More than halve a year after the first release, QPCPrint v1.01 is now
>ready for download. Yes, v1.00 was already so good that a new release
>was not needed so far ;-) The main difference is that it supports
>landscape printing. Registered users can download it from my page.
>The download is protected, follow the instructions there.
>SMSQ/E GD2 page:
>- Xchange patch. Patches Xchange's menu drawing routines to work in
>high colour (or any mode really).
>- Star 3D. New release of my 3D starfield screen save. Looks pretty
>cool now, I think.
>- New screenshots gallery. If you can think of more pictures that
>would look good there, tell me.

You have been busy ... :-)

Happy New Year.

Malcolm Cadman
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