----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Malcolm Cadman"
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Perfection, QPC2 and QPC Print

> Could be worth collating all this information that is coming through
> about printer drivers for publication in the Quanta magazine ... it is
> an issue that seems to exercise everyone.

This is a good way of raising a matter that Jochen and I had already decided 
to sound out in the group.

We have had a request from a QL Today reader for a QPC Print troubleshooting 
article. We would really like to do this, but we have a problem that neither 
us have had much experience of QPC Print problems. Jochen has had just two 
requests for help and I have received only one via Quanta. I also offered to 
organise troubleshooting sessions at both the Eindhoven International and 
the Portsmouth QL is 21 shows last year, but not a single person reacted.

In general I have the impression that QPC Print has been a remarkably 
trouble free program.

We would like to hear from anyone who has had a comment to make, either over 
installation or use. Have people who used to use HP codes had problems 
switching over to Epson?

Also we would like to hear about any modifications you have had to make to 
printer drivers to get then to run under QPC Print. Obviously one area that 
needs attention is printing from Archive, but I don't know of any others.

Please send any comments direct to QL Today using the email address inside 
the front cover.

On the separate matter, Dilwyn need not apologise for faults in the QL 
Documentation CD. It has been very much appreciated by the readers and there 
is so much information on it that it was inevitable there would be a few 

Can I just add that there was no work for me in producing the CD? All the 
hard work was done by Dilwyn, Jochen and Roy.  (Just think of how much time 
it took to copy a CD for every reader!) As far as Roy is concerned I don't 
think people always realise how much work there is for him on the 
distribution side of QL Today. Also thanks to Bruce Nicholls who proof reads 
every issue,

Best Wishes,


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