Richard Kilpatrick wrote:
> On 22 Mar 2006, at 17:59, Tony Firshman wrote:

>> You can only network to other QLs - or a QXL card on a PC. There is no
>> other network for the QL.
> That's a shame. I've seen ethernet adaptors that work on serial ports  
> modified for machines like the Atari 800; a card based around that  
> solution exists for the Apple II range. I wonder if it would be  
> possible to make something that works with the QL's serial ports.
There is sernet.
Nasta was designing a hardware ethernet compatible card, but that 
project needed drivers.  That never happened.
>> Look out for my emailshots - they will tell you about forthcoming  
>> shows.
>>   The next is the Quanta AGM in Manchester on 8/9 April.
> Don't know if I'll be able to make it to that, as I've got a lot on  
> in April, but Manchester is not so far that I couldn't make it!
Worth trying.  You could even swap some of your unwanted QL bits for 
bits you want!


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     TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
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