In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>> I don't expect Word to go away, but it's the file format that will change.
>> And even MS was busy to develop an "own" *open* format, which will
>> nevertheless be useless now.
>If I remember correctly, MS decided to produce their own 'open' format 
>based on the Oasis one, but different *and* containing a number of 
>proprietory 'bits and pieces' which made it not open in the slightest. 
>There was much fanfare from MS about how they were 'embracing' the open 
>standards - none of whihc stood up to much scrutiny.
>At the last report, they were still doing the non-open format and still 
>claiming openness. SNAFU then.

No doubt your new opus will tackle some of these issues ..... you have 
opened up an interesting debate.

An open document format that is adopted would be welcome.  We will just 
have to see how well it does get adopted in the face of the M$ 

PDF has been successful, so well done Adobe.

Coincidentally I have just found a freeware piece of software on a 
magazine DVD that speeds up the loading of Acrobat Reader.

It does this by surpressing most of the plug-ins .....

Malcolm Cadman
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