Laurence Reeves wrote:
> A la TF,
A le TF surely (8-)#
  I deplore the loss of meaning specificity that a missed
> apostrophe causes
> Punctuation rules!
> Eats shoots and leaves.  (Probably, has a diet of both parts of a plant).
> Eats shoots, and leaves. (Consumes some young bean plants in a 
> Chinky(bleugh!), say, then exits).
> Eats, shoots and leaves. (Has a meal, fires a gun and departs).
> Eats, shoots, and leaves. (Ditto, but often with a little less 
> ambiguity) (Ambiguity? A gun? How so?).

.. and another Lynn Truss one:

The judge, said the prisoner, was mad.
The judge said the prisoner was mad.

Totally opposite meanings.  It is precisely for this reason that 
punctuation is not allowed in legal documents.  However this results in 
totally incomprehensible sentences to non lawyers!


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