David McCann wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-09-12 at 11:35 +0100, Neil Riley wrote:
>> I seem to remember these items appearing originally. Are they still used
>> today or are they museum pieces?
> They were very slow (remember the QL serial port is only capable of 19K
> and only reliable for reception at 9K!) To get 56K you would need to
> upgrade your QL with a SuperHermes (£53 new from Tony Firshman). Then
> you could use a conventional serial modem, which are still made: I have
> one with my PC (£30 new). No broadband, though!
That is superHermes Lite - which is 19200 bps.
The full superHermes is needed for 56k - and you need Goldcard at least 
for the full throughput.  Saving 56k to media is marginal with a 
standard QL.
> Jon Dent's soQL-PPP has got as far as giving email access, but not (yet)
> web access. When (if?) the latter comes, there's already a QL version of
> Lynx for browsing.
> Until then, the only way to browse the web on a QL seems to be by
> finding a secondhand copy of the MSDOS emulator, PC Conqueror, and
> running Arachne (graphical) or Bobcat (text).
> However, I remember that the Minix operating system was ported to the
> QL, which should be faster than a DOS emulator. If you could get that, I
> assume it would be possible to compile and run a Linux/Unix version of
> Lynx.
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