I'm looking forward to hearing back from you all :o)
> PS. I'm off to France next week, so any replies after today will be delayed 
> in being read. I've got to drive on the wrong side of the road for a week - 
> that should be fun. If you are anywhere around Marseilles, Carcasson, 
> Aix-en-Provence then stay off the roads.
You must visit Minerve.  I stayed there  for a week in the 80s as a 
local vigneron said,  in the house of of "Madame Matteusse" - it took a 
moment to realise he was saying "Matthews" (8-)#

It was her son who loaned us the house, and as she was a local who 
married a Matthews, we were accepted as locals too.
We were invited to an Asterix-like outdoor all day/evening feast 
organised by the local major and farmer.  It was only after a while we 
realised everyone had brought some food - mussels from the Med, a whole 
lamb etc.
We were all singers so I had a drunken drive back to M to collect 
madrigal books, and we gave them a concert!

... and wine around there is pronounced "Ving" with a hard end G - 
important to know (8-)#  The French around there is Occitan - I suppose 
the equivalent of Geordie!

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