In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David 
McCann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 23:02 +0100, Peter Graf wrote:
>> I don't think Richard gave up UQLX. Some other QL wheels also need to be
>> turned, so there may be different priorities. Usually, if you email him,
>> he sends you more recent code.
>Then why is the old, uncompilable version still on his website, a site
>which hasn't been updated since 2002?
>This ties in with the problem that other people raised last night about
>the availability of documentation. There is too much work which has been
>done but which is inaccessible for others to build on.

I know that Dilwyn Jones has put most of the available documentation on 
his web site, which is easy to access.

Copyright issues and source code are different, although they can be 
available is the author(s) can be tracked down for permission.

>One of the many reasons I have for preferring SuperBasic to XBasic is
>the availability of dbas. But this is another project which got
>abandoned. I may be out of date, but the last time I looked the version
>supplied with the commercial front end for it (can't remember the name)
>was older than the one I'm using (2.13). Quanta had a copy of the
>commented source code, not for inclusion in the library (why?), but they
>lost it ...
>I even bought a Q60 to stay in the QL world (a step further than most of
>those reading this rant!), but my experiences (recounted in QL Today)
>were hardly encouraging. Bad documentation and lack of help. For
>example, my query about how to run Text87 on it was circulated on the
>internet and in Quanta, yet it took two years to find the answer: by
>accident. By that time, I'd naturally switched to OpenOffice.
>I liked the QL and its operating system (rather Unix-like in a way), but
>I fear the QL community are their own worse enemies.

David, you should raise more issues about the Q60 on this list.

I don't own one myself, yet I know at least three users who are very 
knowledgeable - Derek Stewart, David Gilham and Chris Cave.

Of course, there will be many others too who are either very experienced 
or who can offer help.

No need to wait 2 years again ... :-(.

I will just listen in ... :-)

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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