----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roy wood" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:19 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Request for speakers

A slight change of subject.

I have a big problem, which is a big mouth. When Roy asked me to give a talk 
at the Hove show I said yes. Even worse, my moles deep in the heart of 
Quanta tell me that I am advertised as a star performer in the next Quanta 

In general I have been working on an idea of giving a "live" presentation of 
articles that have appeared in QL Today. Not necessarily my own work, but 
for example demonstrating other people's software. We have a good issue of 
QL Today coming up for publication at Hove, but unfortunately it does not 
have any suitable material for a live presentation.

I can fall back on the presentation I had prepared but did not give at 
Byfleet, but if anyone has anything they would like presented at Hove - or 
other ideas, please let me know. I can't promise, but I shall look at all 

Best wishes


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