> Yes 3.01 is an early version - I have been trying to help this user 
> off
> the list, but I'm darned if I can remember how to get plus4setup to 
> work
> from win1_ - it looks for its configure files on flp1_
As I remember, for the plus4 version 3 I have here:

Execute text87

select the New command, then ESC to kill that menu.

Once in text87 (if it hasn't found its files, it'll revert to 
defaults) press F3 for the commands, then Config and Parameters. Next, 
select the (storage:) Text command, then select 'Other' where you can 
type in something like win1_t87_ or wherever you store your copy. It 
will then revert to the original menu, where you should select Save 
Settings and offer the configure_c91 file to the default location. If 
this was on say flp1_ you should now be able to move it all to 
win1_t87_ and it will look for its files there - but I suppose it must 
also patch its own binary somewhere or it wouldn't know where to find 
configure_c91 in the first place.

As I say, this is largely from memory and looking at the manual, so 
(knowing my brain) there's probably at least one step missing 
somewhere :-(

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