F.A.O. John Taylor

Following a database crash (complete corruption of the Quanta Membership 
records) in early March, I used a backup copy from the year end 2006 and 
went through all the renewals received this year to bring it up to date. I 
am sorry that I completely forgot about your change of address which I have 
now updated (again) and your next magazine should go to your new address. I 
have also picked up your new email address from your recent mailing. Is your 
telephone number still the same as it was before your move?

Quite honestly, I'm surprised that you are the only one to report a magazine 
delivery problem.

Thanks for letting me know so promptly.


John Gilpin
QUANTA Membership Secretary.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 6:33 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Quanta magazine.

> F.A.O.   John Gilpin
> The magazine is still going to my old address and you claimed to have
> altered it.
> John Taylor.
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