I'd like to request some help with testing a program I've just put on 
my website.

It's an updated version of a program I wrote back in 1986 (I think). 
It's one of those ubiquitous MDV to FLP converter to help with moving 
software from one medium to another. It's not just MDV to FLP, you can 
replace any string with any other of the same length, so, for example, 
if moving software from microdrive to a single floppy disk system you 
could try two passes, one replacing MDV1_ with FLP1_ and the second 
replacing MDV2_ also with FLP1_. And for help with moving software to 
hard disk, you can probably replace MDV or FLP with SUB or DEV if the 
software does not have the ability to reconfigure readily for running 
from hard disk directories, for example.

The reason I need help is that it uses ancient code, and the original 
was badly written (by me), for example, hard coded references to 
system variables, compiled with an early DP compiler and other 
excudses you can think of. I've tried to update it over the last week 
or so and it SEEMS to run OK on QPC2, implying I may have actually 
managed to get rid of the bad bits.

It will only run on systems with Window Manager version 2 or later, so 
you'll need either SMSQ/E version 3.00 or later, or a QDOS system with 
pointer environment version 2.00 or later so that the program can use 
the System Palette.

It's been placed on the File Handling programs page for download, 
anybody who wanrts to try it can download it from 
www.dilwyn.uk6.net/files/index.html - make sure you get the right 
version (the one with my name alongside it) called converter.zip, 
roughly a 45K download, as there's an old program of the same name by 
E. Verbeek on the same page. Anybody brave enough to try it, please 
let me know what system you tried it on, whether it worked or not and 
what (if any) error messages you get, and thank you in advance!

It's been quite a challenge rewriting something this badly written 
from that era into an equivalent modern GD2 program, so I hope it 

Dilwyn Jones

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