Can anyone explain why it makes a difference if SBASIC is compiled with  
Stats ON or OFF?

My Suqcess 2.05 has the following line:
when dat$ is given as "01-08-2007", the result is:
err=0 and jaar%=2007, mnd%=8, dag%=1
if dat$ is not a valid date: err=1 and the rest =0

When this is compiled with Stats ON this works as expected.
When compiled with Stats OFF this results in:
err=0, jaar%=2059, mnd%=8, dag%=1; for any valid year, only jaar% is wrong!

This only happens when DATE_VALID is called from my DATE_2_VALUE  function  
and not when called from my DATE_IN function.
I checked the values within DATE_VALID shortly before the return, they are  
correct, but immediately after return from the call, jaar% has changed to  
This 2059 is not present within my Basic and no SBASIC DATE Fn's or Procs  
are used in DATE_VALID.
Only string slicing is done and the resulting value limits are checked.

Suqcess 2.04 used the same routines without the error.
The latest update for 2.05 has a work-around.
Qlib is called from BasicLinker where I also set the Stats ON or OFF.

Any suggestions?

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