In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

>Hi Malcolm,
>>> Not entirely frazzled the old brain then ( in the heat )... ? ... :-)
>Not any more than usual I'm afraid - I tend to always be frazzled these 
>days. ;-)

So, some more articles on machine code could be on the way ... ?

>>> I envy you the visit ... Ancient Egypt has always been a favourite
>>> period of mine.
>I was never there myself, but I do so enjoy the monuments and such like 
>- most impressive.

Umm ... and I thought time travel was nothing for a fellow like you ... 

>>> I do a project at school which uses the background research on a tumbler
>>> style lock that the Ancient Egyptians invented - made from wood - which
>>> is closely identical to the modern tumbler lock - Yale type lock.
>I've either seen it or a replica some years back - nothing new under 
>the sun is there?

Nope ... :-) ..... especially the hot sun in Egypt .....

>>> A main difference is that they didn't invent the use of the spring
>>> inside the lock.

>Who needs a spring when you have gravity?

Indeed, exactly what they did employ as a force of nature.

Malcolm Cadman
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