I found all the files: the display drivers, with source, about 9 hi colour 
images and even  the source of the GIF decoder (but not the executable). I will 
PM you the files later today.


> Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 22:44:44 +0200
> To: ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com
> Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Hi Resolution Colour Graphics on a Standard QL
>> From: Francois Lanciault 
>> I know I have the demo disk, with some images and the binary code to display 
>> them. ... I will email you the files when I find time to do it. 
> Thanks Francois for nice message with history of your driver, it reminds 
> me the enthusiasm I also had writing the display driver. That's hard to 
> describe. I am looking forward for your files.
>> If I remember well my images were not as striking as yours.
> We have different possibilities today.
>> To convert the image, I did it the hard way... At the time I had no other 
>> computer than the QL. And there was no internet, so to speak. So I got a few 
>> PC disk with public domain image encoded in GIF. I then wrote a complete 
>> from scratch GIF decoder that output to the appropriate two mode 8 screens 
>> format. That was my first big programming project on the QL. 
> That's really nice story. Your work deserves credits for pioneering of 
> the dithvide on QL! It's really pitty that this method was not explored 
> deeper in the past. During the years it could evolve who knows how.
>> I have not seen this GIF decoder on my floppies since a long time. I am 
>> afraid it is on some 720k 5 1/4" floppy and I don't have the drive to read 
>> those anymore.
> It should not be so difficult to get the drive... :-0
>> Anyway thanks for bringing back those memories.
> You're welcomed, it was nice reading.
>> From: sinclairql 
>> Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Hi Resolution Colour Graphics on a Standard QL
>>>> Another cuestion:
>>>> this code will run whit a RGB TTL monitor?
>>> Absolutely, as you can see it my QL is connected to Commodore 1084
>>> monitor.
>> The 1084 or 1084S are TTL monitors?
> 1084 is monitor with both inputs. see:
> http://www.elektro-obecnice.cz/konektory/connector/av/c1084a.html
> http://www.elektro-obecnice.cz/konektory/connector/av/c1084d.html
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