the closest thing to "hypertext" on the QL (except Lynx, the text mode web browser) I can recall is your very own "Viewer" program - But you checked that already, I suppose - It at least has links and embedded graphics..
Neither were around in the mid-1980s AFAIK. And my viewer had nothing to do with C (it was compiled basic).

The other HTML browsers and readers I can remember are:

Q-Mosaic - on my website (internet utilities page)
Progs html reader, part of the Prowess system
HyperBrowser - Tarquin Mills xhtml text browser.

I think there's also been other programs like Hyperhelp and a few other Help utilities vaguely related to this type of software, but none that I can think of which relate directly to the query.

Since the person who asked referred to C, I wonder if there was any example routine or application which might have been part of a pre-C68 C package, for example?

Dilwyn Jones

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