I have 125 MB of space although currently about half of that is in use but as the initial rush to use the QL Forums has died off and no-one has been there for over a fortnight, I'm seriously considering removing the forum again as a non-starter.

Norman, your documentation site is great! It must have been painstaking work! Much too good for the likes of us ;o) I hope people will support it and add to it. There are already pockets of such information available on various sites. I wish the people behind would help to add their information to your site. Perhaps some prompting from you if you see anything appropriate might do the trick?

Regarding the forum, AFAIC, the ql-users list serves most of my needs. With communications as sparse as they are at the moment is there really a need for another forum? Of course, if it were to stimulate a renewed enthusiasm, I certainly would welcome it ;o)

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