Time files these days doesn't it? Must be because I'm getting old!

I remember announcing a while back that QStripper, my program for taking
a quill file and converting it to text, html, DocBook XML, or PDF would
be made available on Sourceforge 'soon'.

Well, 'soon' turned out to be quite a long time coming, however, the
source code is now available for all to see and play with.

The main repository is here http://qstripper.svn.sourceforge.net.

The following is a list of commands for any Subversion users who wish to
checkout the source code into a directory of their own.

(It's based on what I have just done, so adjust for your system.)

cd src
mkdir qstripper
cd qstripper
svn checkout http://qstripper.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/qstripper ./

And that is all there is to it. If you just want to export the source
without the baggage required by svn then replace the last line with :

svn export http://qstripper.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/qstripper ./

(You may need --force after 'export' in the above if you get an error
about '.' already existing.)

Now, assuming you have QT4 on your path to build the program it is as
simple as this :

qmake -makefile

Windows users, the same commands will work assuming you are using the
mingw system with QT4.

To run the generated program :


Easy or what?


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