Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> As to the way "windows" handles the size changes, I'm pretty sure that much 
> of this is left to the 
> application - some do redraw their entire window every so often (and YES, 
> they DO flicker - 
> Pegasus mail is an example of this), others don't (make the explorer window 
> bigger horizontally), 
> others yet ( look at Java applicatons) use a pretty horrible redraw routine 
> where the redrawing 
> lags behind the mouse pointer...

If I remember back to my old Windows 3.1 development days, you could
either redraw the Window [portion] directly on screen in response to a
WM_PAINT (and not a WM_SIZE as I mentioned earlier!), or, you could draw
it off screen and 'blit' it to screen thus reducing/avoiding the flicker.

As for the Java lot, well, they seem to always want to re-invent the
wheel anyway, so it doesn't surprise me that they have written their own
(slow perhaps?) screen resize/redraw code. I have to deal with a lot of
applications at work, written in Java (or even worse, Java for
WebLogic!) and they always create 'new' code to do stuff that the
backend Oracle database has been doing, quite efficiently, for years.

I actually hate Java! :-)

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