Rich Mellor wrote:
> A new article on the Sinclair QL written by Martyn Carroll appears in this
month's Retro Gamer magazine which went on sale yesterday!!

We had our summer holidays in Ireland. In our 3 weeks journey we did the
complete south costal line from Dublin to Galway and then back to Dublin
passing Shannon/Lough Ree. Stats: 1750 km, 12 camping sites, 2 broken
campervan mirrors. Weather wise the summer was below average (even in terms
of genuine Irish/British weather).

While looking for something to read at a newsstand in Galway I've got my
hands on RETRO GAMER Issue 66 (July 2009) which had a nice 6 page QL
coverage. I did a scan of the relevant pages (PDF). Anyone interested should
contact me privately.


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