I don't have QDT open right now but there is a command in the QDT menu to 'redraw desktop' or something like that. You can access the QDT menu either by right clicking onto the primary QDT icon (which you can move anywhere on your desktop). You can also access from the hot key that was set up when you first installed QDT into your boot menu. What it is actually start another QDT program that draws the menu. When you redraw the desktop it calls every QDT icon and open folder and redraws them on top.

You can also save your desktop so if you move the QDT icon to a place that it is always open, save it with the 'Save Desktop' type selection in the same QDT menu.

What I have done, when I boot with QDT I also redraw the three basic windows down my screen a bit because I have some icons where it normally defaults to.

If you can't find this is the manual, let me know and I will dig out the details.


On 12-10-2009, at 4:57 PM, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Martyn Hill wrote:
I guess I am missing some understanding of the way PE windows work -
what I would like to achieve is to treat the job 0 windows in the same
way as any other job and have them hidden by the QDT desktop whenever
QDT is brought to the top, just as one might click 'Show Desktop' in

QDT uses a trick for the icons, they are separate programs actually,
that's why you can pick them separately. An explicit "Show Desktop"
option is probably possible, but would have to be implemented by QDT.
As a work around I can unfortunately just suggest to "Hide SBASIC"
instead, for example by this hotkey (QPAC2 necessary):

ERT HOT_WAKE(',','Button_Sleep')

Now when you're in SBASIC Alt+, will hide it.


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