Not exactly a QL topic but this problem is affecting the distribution of the QUANTA Magazine by email.

If I try to send an email using Thunderbird with an attachment of (say) 1Mb or greater, I get an error message saying that due to a time-out my email has not been sent

On occasions, when I have tried to send two or three times - at different times of the day - the recipient emails me and asks why have I sent the email three times?

So, although I am told that the email has NOT been sent - and it is NOT saved in my Sent folder - the recipient has sometimes received it!!

Thunderbird's web site seems to be aware of this problem but do not yet have a solution - others have reported the same problem.

Can anyone on the ql-users list help me to sort this out?

I am using either Vista and XP (same problem) and my machines are all connected to a local Wireless Network via a BT Home Hub.

I have Mozilla Thunderbird V3.0.1 (the latest)

I would be grateful for any advice.

John Gilpin.

QL-Users Mailing List

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