Manchester is the largest of the subgroups and you have to touch your forelock when you meet them because they are also the Quanta toffs. (Quanta is shortly to be renamed the "External Affairs Branch of the North East Manchester QL User Group"). For a large group they are surprisingly silent about what they get up to, probably because of years of covert plotting to take over Quanta. I once tried to goad them into telling us something of what they do by suggesting on this list that they were not really QL-ers,
but a secret Elvis appreciation society, but it did not work.

Does that make John Gilpin or Keith Dunbar Elvis reincarnated? I will wait to see what the QL Today editorial team can discover :o)

Manchester do not have a dedicated website in spite of the fact that the Quanta toffs are always moaning about how little interest the lesser mortals on other subgroups show in having a dedicated page on the Quanta website. All very hypocritical when you consider Quanta's specialist web staff hale
from Manchester,

Best wishes,


PS Dilwyn, please feel free to reproduce this in its entirety in the Quanta
Magazine, but somehow I don't think you will want to.
Ummm, I'll take the excuse that I am not Editor and that this doesn't come within my News Editor remit :-/

And as I (to the best of my knowledge) have never been within range of a subgroup (nearest was Cheshire) I don't feel qualified to comment too much on that unless the few QLers west of Chester would like to form one?

Also, I was rather disappointed with the response I got to my international groups requests. Despite trying to contact several individuals I knew of from former groups, I never got replies from most of them. So I took that as far as I could then gave up in disappointment.

I was very glad to see individuals taking the initiative with the recent shows in Switzerland and Austria, of course. No user group in those countries didn't mean nothing happening of course.

Dilwyn Jones

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