On 18/06/2010 20:37, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
Malcolm knows very well that I am still alive, so perhaps he ought not to
be quite so definite about the alleged demise of the Surrey group. Yes,
we are reduced in numbers but we do still meet about once a month on a
Wednesday evening. We are coy about where since it depends on the
generosity of a non-computer related club - should anyone want to come
they would need to contact us via Ken Bain (see relevant Quanta page).

Christopher Cave
In other words, contact details correct for the Surrey group as they stand?

Roy - I take it you want the Sussex group entry removed, then?

I'm grateful to Malcolm for bringing this up. Can anyone else whose subgroup is listed wrongly please contact me and (despite my experiences with the international groups) I'll try to make sure the list is brought up to date in Quanta mag.

Dilwyn Jones

Just for reference, and a point that was raised at the AGM in April 2010, will *ALL* Sub Group Secretaries/Organisers please let me know how many current QUANTA Members actually attend their meetings on a regular basis. This can be done either through the ql-users list or personally to me at:- treasurer AT quanta DOT org Dot uk as I monitor this list on a regular basis.

Some GREAT topics of conversation going on at present - keep it up guys - it is very interesting to know your views.

As regards NEMQLUG (The North East Manchester QL User Group) we are currently very healthy. Our current average number attending (11 times a year - plus a Christmas trip to the Chinese Banquet House that so many of the Manchester Workshop attendees will know quite well) is 10 to 12 fully paid up QUANTA Members and we have a programme to promote improvements to the QUANTA Web Site and regular repairs to and testing of second-user equipment before passing it on to Rich Mellor for sale on behalf of QUANTA. (Why re-invent the wheel, when Rich already has that knowledge?) OR donating items to some other worth cause - see article in the QUANTA Magazine June/July issue.

Regarding promoting QUANTA on E Bay etc, Rich (as far as I know) is doing this for QUANTA too and making a little bit of commission on it too. Thanks Rich. He even (as he says) downloads the latest Membership form from our Web Site and prints any that he needs which saves QUANTA printing and postage costs.

I think that this is a good example of conserving QUANTA funds by making use of a current resource without the necessity of having to pay Committee members' expenses to provide a QUANTA presence at what have become poorly attended events.

If anyone thinks that things can be done better, apply for a position on the QUANTA committee by emailing our Secretary Alison Southern at:- secretary AT quanta DOT org DOT uk . You will be made most welcome and your ideas could be just what QUANTA needs. Why not give it a try?

Regards to all,

John Gilpin
QUANTA Treasurer.

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