Op Sat, 04 Dec 2010 00:50:35 +0100 schreef Tony Firshman <t...@firshman.co.uk>:

I am getting really rusty.

I found my *own* program that automatically makes hard directories and backs up. However there is *something*, probably a rogue file, that is eating up memory.
How can one copy *all* files  using wcopy?
... or even from QPAC2.

I suppose with WCOPY it is something like:
wcopy win2__ to win1__
wcopy win1_ to win2_ just copies the root files (of course).

With Cueshell you can copy whole directories, just open the two devices and drag the directory from one to the other.

You can make the directory tree first (with your own program?), then use the "tree" command in Qpac2 to list all files in all subs. Backup will then copy all files to their new subs in one go. It may take awhile though. You can also use "tree" from each root directoriy to break it up in smaller pieces for more control.


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