I would much rather see helpful messages that are progressive, reponsive and add character in a AI type of way especially when you you repeat mistakes in any one session for example;


Error: not found

Action: [LOAD WIN1_FRED_BAS] again
Error: still not found

Action: [LOAD WIN1_FRED_BAS] yet again
Error: still not found, try changing the device you are looking at

Action: [LOAD WIN1_FRED_BAS] still again
Error: still not found, try changing the filename its obvious you got it wrong!

Action: [LOAD WIN1_FRED_BAS] and again
Error: look do you think by repeating the same action and not changing anything
         I will magically find what you are looking for?

Action: [LOAD WIN1_FRED_BAS] persistently again
Error: I give up, and you never responded to my last question

Action: [LOAD WIN1_FRED_BAS] one more time
Error: Now formatting WIN1_??
         Formatting complete

Action: [DIR WIN1_] in disbelief
Response: WIN1_
                serves you right!

Action: [UNFORMAT WIN1_] in desperation
Response: unknown procedure, what did think was going to happen?


----- Original Message ----- From: "François Van Emelen" <francois.vaneme...@telenet.be>
To: <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] M$ Haiku Poetry

Op 12/12/2009 15:48, Dilwyn Jones schreef:
Microsoft Haiku Poetry

In Japan, they have replaced the impersonal and unhelpful Microsoft
error messages with Haiku poetry messages. They are used to communicate
a timeless message, often achieving a wistful, yearning and powerful
insight through extreme brevity. Here are 15 actual error messages from
Japan that are the essence of Zen:


Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.


Aren't these better than "your computer has performed an illegal

Now all we need is the SMSQ?E versions......

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

No need for SMSQ/E-versions... SMSQ/E never crashes and QL progs won't
hang if we don't use them :)

But they should write a  Haiku for the slowness of emails; I received
your  'M$ Haiku Poetry' message the day before yesterday and it was sent
nearly a year ago (12/12/2009 15:48).

Have a nice day,

François Van Emelen

QL-Users Mailing List
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