-----Original Message-----
From: John Gilpin<thegilp...@btinternet.com>
Sent: Dec 22, 2010 7:53 AM
To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] [QL-Users] Sandy Futura (PDF from Urs)

From: "Dilwyn Jones"<dil...@evans1511.fsnet.co.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] [QL-Users] Sandy Futura (PDF from Urs)

Where is this PDF on Sandy Futura - have I missed something?
QL-Users Mailing List

Ah right - now that looks interesting...

You know the sad part.... I came across some expansion boards (two
or three) which had those connectors like the QL edge connector with
3 rows of pins, but no-one seemed to know what they were, so they
got thrown out....

Rich Mellor
Yes indeed, very interesting. Be wary of downloading the zip file
BTW, about 154MB. My PC said 2 hours to download it (showing only
about 20Kb/s at the moment though, so much for broadband).

The original Futura was to be a QL compatible, then the Italian
parent company were said to have pulled the plug on Futura and Sandy
went ahead only with a QXL-style plug in card for PC (anyone know
what that was called?), though I don't know if that went into
production and how many got sold. The variety of boards Urs shows in
the video probably implies both typed of boards were in the box,
along with a few other Sandy RAM cards etc.

Would be interesting to hear from Urs how he got hold of all this!

A question many people are asking.

To put people out of their misery this is a QL Today scoop and our
German readers, who have already received their copies, have blown the

I am afraid the rest of you will have to wait patiently for the
magazine to arrive in which Urs tells all.

Mind you, some of us in the UK have forgotten what post is. Yesterday
I received my first post in three weeks,

Best Wishes,


I hope you have had your QUANTA Magazine - Bumper Christmas Issue

They were posted last Friday - 17th December.

ENJOY, and Season's Greetings to all.

John G.
On 22/12/2010 14:17, extdgl42 wrote:
BTW, for QLT, and QUANTA if I can find John Gilpin's @, I have had a change of 
address which I doubt I have yet given you:

Doug LaVerne
301 Briarcliff Ave. #J3
Oak Ridge, TN 37830 USA

Doug LaVerne
103 Endicott Lane
Oak Ridge, TN 37830 USA

Doug LaVerne

Although this may not be urgent for QUANTA, as my copy of the actual mag is 
electronic. Somewhere in the bowels of QUANTA records, though, is most likely a 
snail mail @.
Hi Doug,

Many thanks for your change of Postal Address (snail Mail). I have updated the QUANTA Member's database accordingly. As Dilwyn so rightly commented, you can always get to us by using our @QUANTA.org.uk addresses as listed in the front cover of the magazine or on the web site. (And another advantage of signing up for the eMag from QUANTA.) :-)

All the Best,

John Gilpin,
QUANTA Membership Secretary.

QL-Users Mailing List

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