Norman Dunbar wrote, on 22/Jan/11 15:50 | Jan22:
Hi Rich,

What amazes me is how they can still claim up to 8Mbps service when the
vast majority of houses (except in cities) seem to get a lot less -
Welcome to the worldo slightly unscientific claims. Much loved by the
"woo" trade in health supliments, and Gillian McKeith, Patrick Holford
etc - who use words to con people into parting with their hard earned
cash for little or no benefit in return.

Read Ben Goldacre's blog (Bad Science) or better still, his book.

Basically, "up to" means anything from minus infinity through to the
quoted figure. Only one person needs to get the quoted figure to make it
accurate and all the rest who get less are still "legally" covered
because they are in the "up to" band.

It's a con. Much like hard disc manufacturers quoting Gigabytes when
they really mean gigabytes. 1024*1024*1024 seems to be quoted but actual
capacity is less as they are talking about 1000*1000*1000.

Advertising - legal lies!

Cynic? Me? But of course!

after all my 8Mbps which is promised by Talk Talk / Sky / Orange etc
Remember, 8 Mbps is not promised, only "up to" - that's the con.


Sorry - enough of a rant just somedays I wish we could have just
installed a massive QL network between all the houses!
Isn't there a limit of 64 devices on a QL network?

Even worse to my mind is the re-definition of the word 'unlimited'.

Very very few limits are really that. Giffgaff was but they are stopping that in March. I complained to Virgin that their 'unlimited' was 1GB. They hid that in a "Fair Use Policy' that did not have a link on heir pages.

I created quite a stink, and I hope it was me that prompted them to now have "1GB internet" on their marketing pages - six characters less!
They still have 'unlimited texts' which is actually 3000.

Now *that* 1GB is, I am sure, 1000MB.

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