On 27 Jan 2011, at 11:51, Norman Dunbar wrote:

> I may regret starting this, but as the subject says, what would you like
> to see in QDOSMSQ given that we were starting from scratch with the
> intention of writing a completely new OS?
> Disclaimer: No, I'm NOT thinking of writing one!
> For me, the following:
> * Ability to hook into the OS from any language, Basic, Assembler, C,
> whatever.

That's true of SMSQE

> * A windowing system that is simple to use. From any language.

This also is true of SMSQE

> * Libraries that applications can link to at run time, as opposed to
> static linking at compile time.

How would that work? If I write a program I like to know in advance what it 
will contain

> * Multitasking, obviously!

True of SNSQE

> * A file system that is not restricted to 36 characters. See
> http://qdosmsq.dunbar-it.co.uk/blog/2009/05/whats-wrong-with-this-file-system/
> for a pseudo-rant on the matter.

Well - that's not in SMSQE.

> * Industry standard floating point format.

OK for Q40/60 FPU

> * Industry standard graphics format(s) - PNG, for example. JPG if we
> must! SVG would be nice.

Photon displays JPEG on a QL

> * Speed and efficiency! ;-)

QPC2 is rather faster, with SMSQE, than even Q40/60.

So, presumably, SMSQE is more than half way there?


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