Let me use this space to pay a tribute to John. We owe an enormous debt to him. Without John's work Quanta would have had to have been wound up two or three years ago. I did not want to see a person of his honesty and integrity inadvertently finding himself on the wrong side of the law,

Hear hear. I've combined 3 roles myself, but that is nothing to the work John has done - Magazine Editor, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and a lot of general committee work. From what has been said here, and having been on the committee myself for some time now I can confidently say I have never seen there to be anything but good intention, whatever else the legal position might technically turn out to be.

One way forward for Geoff and others who agree with his viewpoint is to stand for committee, or (given his existing time commitments with QL Today) to nominate new committee members he thinks would be right for the organisation. It is always healthy to have new blood and new ideas on committees in general anyway.

Even if you can't get nominations in by tomorrow's deadline, think ahead for next year.

We can argue about this until, umm, Wales win the World Cup (which probably means the end of time) but getting one or two new committee members every year would probably be the best solution to all this.

Dilwyn Jones

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