Am 06.02.2011 12:19, schrieb Plastic:

One of the major problems I'm having is the "manual" I downloaded. The
"QPCKeywords V1_02" document has many keywords missing/ignored that I
remember, like RIGHT$, LEFT$ and INSTR... and I don't remember how to use
them. I would dig in the garage to find the old printed manual, but it's
FREEZING out there!

One of the other things that might come out of this process for me is a
heavily revised and annotated new manual, with better examples yet more
concise instructions. Which I'd post for everyone's benefit.

the "manual" is right here and your memory is wrong ;-).
One of the major differences of S*Basic against MS Basic used to be the omission of the keywords you mentioned. All of this somewhat clumsy approach of RIGHT$, LEFT$ is done with the much more elegant string slicing in S*BASIC.
"LEFT$(x$, n)" with "x$(TO n)"
"RIGHT$(x$,n)" with "x$(LEN(x$)-n TO)"
which is much more elegant, I think.
INSTR is actually there.

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