Lee Privett wrote, on 12/Feb/11 15:03 | Feb12:

Thanks guys, I am now giving some serious thought to a Retro Arcade Console 
with the QL at the core, but at switch-on I don't want the user to have to see 
or press the F1/F2 configuration choice, so the next thing is in the EPROM code 
(which I assume will run first) can I get it jump passed the F1/F2 choice and 
just to if F2 has been pressed so that it finishes off the sequence as in TV 
mode and looks for a boot file or will it just load in extensions from the 
memory locations in the EPROM?

I don't think so, but Minerva will - at least it shows the F1/F2 but presses F2 after an interval.
.... but not what you want.
I bet that though could be patched.  The code is open source.

Re burning you should look for a second hand QEPIII eprom programmer. It fits in the expansion slot so saves/reads from microdrive.

I used an internally expanded QL and Romdisq so bypassed the microdrives.


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