At 17:52 25/04/2011 -0500, you wrote:
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 5:48 PM, paul <> wrote:

> I asked a retired university latin/greek teacher I know and he offer this
> opinion
> "tie-key" and "sigh-key"  are the pronunciations he used
> --
> Paul Holmgren
> Mine: 2 57 300-C's in Indy
> Hers: 05 PT GT R/T HO Stage 1
> Hoosier Corps L#6

Yes, but Americans talk funny, so the pronunciation is suspect even if the
letters are the same.

Around here, 'pin' and 'pen' have the exact same pronunciation! :P


Very odd that these last 2 posts have taken some 5 hours to get on the list.

My daughter is in Crete at the mo', she is somewhat fluent, so I asked her.
Amongst the peasantry it is said as "Tea she" but in what might be called high Greek it is Tie che where the ch is as in that Scottish body of water - Loch, or as in Van Goch (when not the American removal firm - Van Go) a sort of rasping H from the throat.

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