Op Fri, 25 Nov 2011 11:29:14 +0100 schreef Wolfgang Lenerz <w...@scp-paulet-lenerz.com>:

On 18/11/2011 18:57, Bob Spelten wrote:

Does anyone have experience in using Extended Sprites as an EasyPTR AW
menu item?
The sprite should change to the "current" status when I move the mouse
over it but it doesn't.
The border appears but not the proper sprite.
The sprite viewer program SPRV by Per Witte uses a loose item for this,
and that works.
I thought this was handled by WMAN2 automatically.
So is this an EasyPTR or a WMAN2 bug or my mistake?

sorry, I only got to read this today.

The redraw routine was modified only for loose menu items, not for AW menu items, so AW menu items can't really use the sprites.


That is a pity.
Because one of the "features" of loose items is that they all share the same colour attributes.
If I want to circumvent that I can use AW's.
This was done to great effect in QCoCo, where individual buttons needed to be recoloured on the fly to show the new choices. Automatic redrawing does work for the 3 main statuses, just not for the "current" status.


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