I'd never heard of it, like so many flashy terms dropped into conversation these days, often by people with smug grins who you immediately know looking at you for the blank face so they can one-upmanship you when they've realised you don't know what they're on about - although I know being a QL user you didn't mean it that way of course! :o))

It sounds like a useful app anyway. At least I know now :-)

(I do have an Android phone, so it's something I might try when I get time).

Seriously though (hence the change of thread in subject line), can we start doing QL apps - useful little SBASIC programs you can execute, like Marcel's little SyncScrap prog for example which synchronises the Windows clipboard/Scrap and Stuffer buffer for QPC2 users. I use it all the time for getting short bits of text from Windows into QL programs.

We know they're SBASIC programs we can execute, but calling them Apps would sound posher. And (despite the tongue-in-cheek first paragraph above) this is actually a serious little idea in response.

(oops top-posting, sorry Tony)

Dilwyn Jones

-----Original Message----- From: Neil Riley

(Tapatalk) It's an APP for the Iphone/ipod/ipad and probably Android devices that lets you connect to forums, moderate, chat, etc.

I use it extensively as I'm a forum mod for OldnRubbish (a gaming site for Old & Rubbish online players who are sick of ninja teenagers), Formed in 2007 so it's mearly a child as a community, same rules apply, we chat, we meet up, same old same old :)

Sadly, this is off topic for the QL, but you did ask ;)


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