Although I'd argue the QL was more complicated than the PI in terms of the work 
required to get it working and I'm sure (OK not that sure cos it felt like 
years!) that we didn't wait 9 months for it... Lets see how this all pans out!

John A

--- On Mon, 2/4/12, Neil Riley <> wrote:

From: Neil Riley <>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Raspberry Pi
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, 2 April, 2012, 15:16

>>Still, this is so reminiscant of the old "Delivered within 28 days"
>>promise.... I fondly remember waiting months for my QL....


Except this machine actually exists, and is 99.99% ready whereas the QL was a 
pile of components, wire, small motors, some VHS tape and scissors, some blank 
A3 pieces of paper, some very sharp pencils (new and unused) and a ruler. 

Just saying, that's all !


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