On 2 May 2012, at 16:00, Norman Dunbar wrote:

> When I edit a string using this vector, and press ESC to terminate the edit, 
> I'm seeing zero in D0 instead of a positive number. D1.W is correctly set to 
> 27 for the ESC key.
> The docs state that:
> D0 negative is an error.
> D0 zero means ENTER pressed to end the edit.
> D0 positive means another key ended the edit.
> What I'm finding in tracing the code is the following:
> D0=0, D1=27, ESC pressed.
> D0=0, D1=$0a, ENTER pressed.
> D0=0, D1=$d0, UP pressed.
> D0=0, D1=$d8, DOWN pressed.
> It appears that D0 is always zero on return.

The code in ee_wman_rname_asm (which contains the code for WM.ENAME) sets D0 to 
0 when a character is correctly read. If it is one of the terminators then D0 
remains zero. this means that the code distinguishing between ENTER and the 
rest is just not there!

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