
If it's of any use to you, I self-fund a virtual server with I
have 2 internet forums ( and, as well
as using it to host my own photos and stuff.

I would be quite happy to add Quanta to the list of hosted websites, there
would be no charge ever (happy to sign a contract to that effect); the whole
server only costs £100/year, I'm happy to pay that just to have somewhere
reliable to keep my photos.

It is a LAMP server, so any common content management system will run on it
just fine, e.g Joomla or Drupal.

Drop me a line if you want to take this further,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Quanta 
> Webmaster
> Sent: 19 October 2012 20:38
> To:
> Subject: [Ql-Users] Fwd: Quanta Web site down?

> The committee decided that moving to a cheaper platform was a 
> good idea and I have now been tasked with finding a service 
> to use (I know there are plenty around so will be feeding 
> back my thoughts to the committee). It was also agreed that 
> the new site will be mainly static so the committee will not 
> be making much effort in updating the site (though we will 
> use a different CMS system we can make updates as required.

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