Amazon EU is currently selling the Mororola Atrix docking station (originally 
intended to extend one of their smartphones onto a netbook and priced at rather 
steep 299€) at ~70€. This is a perfect extension for the Raspberry pi as it 
also can be used to extend the PI with HDMI TFT screen, keyboard, battery and 
touchpad into a nearly perfect portable device (if you don't mind the Pi is 
hanging rather loosely at the back.)
Received mine today and the only thing I needed was a small µHDMI to full-HDMI 
adapter plus a USB cable and it works like a charm.

Just realized Amazon UK sells the same thing at ~80 UKP. Still a bargain.

Just in case you are still looking for a good keyboard and screen for your PI.

There is a nice video about this combination here (not mine).


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