Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> What the prowess loader does is the following : it opens the startup
> file from where it is indicated in its command line (eg. ex 
> win1_proweess_prg_loader;"win1_prowess_startup". So far so good.
> Once that file is open, the loader then uses that for a special trap#3
> call (extended info, $4f) to get the name of the device this file is on.

Kudos for finding that one out...

I was curious why this was the case, so I had a look at the source
code. The loader opens the configuration file and tries to get the
file path from the open handle. Unfortunately this was never something
QDOS properly supported, getting the name of an open handle... QPAC2
channels window has the same problem, it will show "WIN1_whatever"
even if I have renamed WIN to XYZ.

The routine to get the file name from a handle (IOName) is called at
several places, so it's probably not just the loader that fails.

> Is there anybody who'd object to the device being called WIN right away?

Just do it ;-)


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