Hi all dear QL users,


As it is said in page 47 of the latest issue of QL Today there is sometimes
some problems/lag with certain DVD readers (or mainly both readers/burners).
This issue occurs often when DVD are produced in small numbers of copie and
there is few DVD that are 100% compatible.

In fact, this problem is depending of the multiplication of standard that
can be used all over the world.


In few words, finally I succeed to get it working by plugin an external
generic DVD reader in USB-2 and making an ISO image of it.


Symptoms met are, sometimes lag when watching photos, or difficulties to
copy certain files randomly. So I'm thinking if it should be an idea to
share that ISO image to QL community or with a password to people who buy
the latest issue of QLToday, as I'm sure that the content of this DVD is
right to be stored in the great QL history.







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