Dave Park schrieb:
Any chance you could offer the disk by itself? I'm sure many people might
want that who don't need the four magazines and expenses that go with that?

Mmmmh, I don't think so. First of all I do not want to upset all the people who already paid - and who got a lot to read and play with for little money... If people were not willing to spend less than what QPC2 on its own cost, then so be it.
I'd rather support the people who supported us (QL Today, Marcel and me)
over the years ...
I re-printed twice for interested people who read it late or through other sources. I printed a few extra ones (Rich Mellor suggested to print a few more, which I did in the end) which can still be ordered,
and once those are gone that'll be it from my side regarding QL Today
and Bonus DVD.

I picked up the re-printed issues today, posted them and informed everyboday via email a moment ago. So I fulfilled this promise and
consider this as the very end of QL Today.

Best regards    Jochen

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