Hello again and thanks for your kind wishes. Tobias gets closest to my idea. I 
was planning not to write a single ARM instruction. I'd guessed that all the 
assembler would already be present in the Linux. As much as of the bare bones 
of Linux as necessary would be kept: file-system support, task-scheduling, 
/dev, /etc, all pure Linux. The QDOSMSQ part would do little more than provide 
a call-mapping interface to the SBASIC shell and other apps, though the calling 
convention would change to stack-based from register-based. The whole thing 
would be done in C to keep it portable. This would not be a system for QL 
assembler fans, but a 68k emulator could follow if someone got around to it. 
Eventually people might rewrite their favourite QL utilities, but in the 
meantime all the Linux utilities would still be there (but the built-ins would 
have to go in the new shell). This would not be a one man project - I know 
little about the inner workings of any current OS but I would make a start by 
looking at current SMSQ/E source code & doco and see if I can make a list of 
dependencies: Linux kernel code that needs to be retained, and that which could 
be used. Trouble is I've never looked at the source code of a Linux kernel. 
Still, I'll have plenty of time on my hands...but then it does take 12 hours to 
consume a nutritious bag of fermented rabbit pellets through the tube with all 
the flushing out and hygiene rigmarole...perhaps I'm biting off more than I am 
not presently allowed to chew.
All the best,
----- Tobias Fröschle <tobias.froesc...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Ian,
> best wishes for getting well soon also from me.
> If re-implementing SMSQ/E on ARM one would probably try to use the least 
> possible ARM assembler portion possible - Maybe a re-write should rather use 
> the QDOS /concepts/ instead of trying to 100% copy it. (ARM assembler isn’t 
> even half as much fun as 68k assembler…).
> I could imagine a re-implementation in C with small assembler routines where 
> inevitable. It should, however, include a 68k emulator to be able to execute 
> native programs if desired. (Concept similar to ppc Macs). Stuff like that 
> isn’t, however, a week-end job….
> Tobias
> Am 23.03.2014 um 12:29 schrieb Norman Dunbar <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>:
> > Ian,
> > 
> > First of all, get well soon.
> > 
> > Rewriting SMS for the Raspberry Pi would be a whole new enterprise. You can 
> > easily (!) replace the kernel but all of SMS would need to be rewritten in 
> > ARM assembly.
> > 
> > That doesn't mean it cannot be done of course, there's a pretty good "How 
> > To" do bare metal assembly on a Pi online. There is a link from the forums 
> > somewhere. (Sorry, I'm typing this on my phone while sitting outside the 
> > changing rooms of yet another clothes shop, waiting for my wife! )
> > 
> > I wonder if there is an MP 8080 to ARM converter!
> > 
> > Take care.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Norm.
> > 
> > 
> > Sent from my phone - please excuse brevity and any obvious "auto 
> > corrections" that were just plain wrong!
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