Having recently returned to the QL and more specifically, to SuperBASIC programming with EasyPointer 4, I am trying to avoid doing a lot of time consuming work to no avail. I understand that there is a limit to the number of objects (loose items, application windows, etc.) that can be drawn onto one menu. I am convinced that I have read about this recently either in the EasyPointer 4 Manual or in Norman Dunbar's splendid tutorial articles in QUANTA Magazine in May, June and July 1994, but having re-read these repeatedly, I still cannot find the reference I am looking for.

Can anyone out there help me not only with this information but also where it can be found. (Something like this, I like to highlight in the publication (manual etc) so that if I need it again, it stands out, thus avoiding having to re-read with great concentration, to find it.)

Thanks in advance,

Kind Regards,

John Gilpin.
QUANTA Membership Secretary
and QUANTA Treasurer
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